Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0

"Why Can't I Connect?" is a network diagnostic tool that makes it easier to resolve TCP/IP connection errors. Use it to diagnose connections to common server types (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Server, FTP, SFTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, IRC, LDAP, Usenet) and create generic TCP/IP clients and / or servers.

"Why Can't I Connect?" Features:
  • Network debugging
  • Network diagnostics
  • Email connection debugging
  • Database connection debugging
  • LDAP connection debugging
  • Internet relay chat connection debugging
  • Usenet connection debugging
  • Network intrusion detection
  • Debug all TCP/IP connection issues on any address and port
  • Create TCP/IP servers on any port
Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0 release notes:
  • Added the neighbors tool. This identifies all the named devices within a range of IP addresses. Note: The neighbors tool uses the socket function getnameinfo and, depending on your operating system, ICMP echo requests. These inquiries may be blocked by a firewall and I do NOT try to circumvent these security measures.
  • Added the MAC address in the bind trace when the trace detail level is set to high.
Download: Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0 | 19.6 MB (Open Source)
Link: Why Can't I Connect? Home Page
Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0  Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0 Reviewed by Unknown on 4:37 PM Rating: 5

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